All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Arizona Winter


Nice start to trail. Lots of people. Blue dots on trail/ rocks helpful.

Arizona Winter

Beautiful hike

Trail was good. Weather was excellent low 70s. Very enjoyable!

Arizona Winter
Kelly Myrdal


Wildflowers galore!

San Diego

El Cajon Mountain with BAE

We've actually hiked this trail once before a year prior.  We shaved 50 minutes off our hike time. We also sat at the top and

Southern California
Ann Kim

Along the river

Fun hike! Along the way, it felt like you were exploring the mountains/river/stream because so much of the hike had water on or beside it.

Southern California
Sylvia Yeh Palomino

A little Mud?

Nice day for a hike. Portions of the trail muddy, but do-able. Lots of water flowing also in middle of trail but also not too

Arizona Winter

Flatiron and the Flu

This.Hike! Had absolutely gorgeous weather for this one, not too hot, not too cold! This one made me work for it, especially since I was

Arizona Winter
Jill Johnston

Quartz Peak

You definitely need a high clearance vehicle to get to this trailhead. Not a lot people on this hike which was nice. The trail starts

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
