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Homepage Forums Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge™ Q&A New Here, Basic Logistics

  • New Here, Basic Logistics

    Posted by Angelique on January 31, 2022 at 10:08 pm

    Hello 6-packers, so I’ve been watching for the last couple days to see what questions may come up and here are the few I wonder about now:

    1. Do we need to discuss vehicles that will actually get us to our 6 to 11 trailheads? Do any of these hikes require more than a basic vehicle to deliver us to our hike? (I drive a 2015 vw golf for perspective – no awd)

    2. Do any of you conquer any of these peaks over more than a day? – (whether for fun or necessity) – I would love to hear of those making these peaks into small section hikes, ya? maybe…? (i.e. Gorgonio, San Jacinto, whatever)

    3. Can we discuss clothing selections and layering – I would be fun to hear from veterans some pro tips on dressing for various peaks during different seasons. And maybe how the layering plays out through the day.

    4. Needing to pee, lol – what are we talking about here, candid discussion?

    Thanks all! I’m happy to be here and I look forward to the discussion.

    Angelique replied 2 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Payton

    February 1, 2022 at 8:48 am

    Hi Angelique,

    I can give you some perspective based on the first few hikes I’ve completed and my planning for the next ones!

    1) Most of the trailheads are accessible with any vehicle, but there are a few ways to confirm. I usually check other Social Hiker hike logs, as one of the questions everyone answers after a hike is “Road Conditions” – the responses will range from “Road suitable for all vehicles” to “Road rough but passable” or “Road recommended for high clearance only,” etc. To check the hike logs, go to “Activity” –> “All Hike Logs” –> then you can filter by challenge and mountain! I sometimes also check road conditions but looking at recent trail reviews on AllTrails.com

    2) I intend to complete most of these hikes simply as day hikes, but some might turn into more!

    3) I usually check the weather and adjust my layers accordingly, but I tend to bring more than I need and if I get to the trailhead and decide I’m carrying too much, I’ll leave a layer in the car. In January, this means I’m usually wearing long sleeves under short sleeves under a sweatshirt and am carrying a down coat, but if the temperature won’t go below 50F I tend to leave the down coat at home. If it’s ~55 or below at any point, I’ll usually wear leggings under another pair of pants too. Gloves and a hat are a good idea in chilly temperatures as well, though a sun hat when it’s warm is also highly recommended. Bottom line: layer up, but it’s up to you what makes you the most comfortable!

    4) Some trailheads will have restrooms, some don’t but might have a rest stop along the drive. I usually pee before I get in the car and before I get on the trail, but if you gotta go, ya gotta go!

  • Angelique

    February 1, 2022 at 9:21 am

    Hey thanks Payton,

    I’ve looked at a few of the hike logs but I guess I missed that one line about transport to the trailhead. Thank you Payton! Happy trails!!

  • Jeff

    February 1, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Hi Angelique and welcome to the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge!

    1. For the SoCal Challenge, your VW Golf should be fine up to all 11 peaks currently in the challenge, with the possible exception of Santiago Peak (depending on which trailhead you use).
    2. I’ve personally hiked all six of the original SoCal Six-Pack of Peaks as both day hikes AND overnight trips — with the exception of Mount Baldy (yet). Many of the peaks are “dry” most of the time, so you’ll need to carry enough water to hike in, hike out, and for dinner and breakfast. It’s a fun way to do the hikes, or to do them differently if you’ve never done that before.
    3. Layer, layer, layer. The weather can be unpredictable in the mountains. People take the tram up from Palm Springs, and can get caught in snow. I like to use https://www.mountain-forecast.com as one of the resources I check. When moving, layer down. When you stop, layer up.
    4. Many trailheads do not have any facility (no pit toilet or porta-potty). Be prepared for the possibility that you’ll have to hide behind a bush or tree. Bring some TP and a zip-lock bag, and pack out your used TP. If you need to do #2, find a spot about 50 ft off trail, dig a hole at least 6″ deep and bury your poo (but still pack out the used TP). The nice thing about doing this outdoors is that you don’t deal with the typical stench found in most pit toilets. Some actually prefer it. Just don’t forget that you can’t do this once you get back into “civilization.” 🙂
    • Angelique

      February 1, 2022 at 9:27 pm

      Hello Jeff,

      Wow thank you for the warm welcome and the comprehensive overview, this is perfect intel, thanks so much! I guess, finally, for now, what’s your take on taking these hikes solo?

  • Tracey Barker

    February 2, 2022 at 9:25 pm

    Hi, I’ve done 2 so far and was really surprised by how windy and cold both summits were.

    I’m getting new gloves before the next one. Something made for warmth, holding poles, and have the finger covering so you can still work your camera on your phone.

    I am also buying poles. Borrowed some to see if I’d like them on the last one. Over 11 miles and a 2600’ climb and my knees and ankles were glad I had them.

    Good luck! Have fun!

    • Angelique

      February 2, 2022 at 9:58 pm

      Thanks Tracy, lol I bought some gloves and a wool beanie today at REI – Smart Wool, ‘Wind Mitten’ – love love love!!! I already got carbon trekking poles on Amazon – great value, very pleased with the performance – Hiker Hunger is the brand. I hope to do my first peak tomorrow but I keep hearing about some epic winds about to hit so I guess I’ll play it by ear – dunno, we’ll see. Anyway, congratulations on 2 peaks so far – I have yet to pull off one, lol.

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