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  • Surviving the Pandemic

    Posted by Jeff on March 17, 2020 at 3:44 pm

    With COVID-19 spreading pretty much everywhere, hiking remains one of the few activities that is still (in some places) allowed.

    Have you been impacted by self-quarantine or shelter-in-place policies? How are you coping with the pandemic? If you are venturing out, what advice do you have for practicing responsible social distancing? If you are hunkering down, what books, films or podcasts are you using to pass the time? How are you maintaining social connectivity during this crazy time?

    Lisa Mantle replied 4 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Chris

    March 21, 2020 at 10:48 pm

    Luckily for me, my work is deemed essential, so I get to work from home and keep my paycheck. Unfortunately, though, my last hike up San Bernardino left me with a badly injured hip flexor tendon (aka groin) as well as a strong favoring of ice over snow. Currently making do with lots of online video games with friends.

  • Christy Ph

    March 22, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    Mammoth trip was cancelled with my ski club with all the new snow. I had plans to snow shoe. I can’t ski due to a shoulder injury. I have to wait until next year, hopefully by then my shoulder will be healed, so I can snow shoe and ski. My finances are okay. Since schools are closed, I am not working with my special needs students. I picked up more hours at my second job which is essential for me to work. my clients with disabilities day programs are closed. We stay home, go for walks in the community. Is hard on them. My coping methods are hiking with my dog or walking with my dog, Watching TV with my dog & cat, listening to music, house cleaning, stay home happy hour with mom. Hopefully, this will be over soon. Keep the faith.

  • Lisa Mantle

    April 1, 2020 at 3:00 pm

    Fortunately here in Arizona we are still able to get out on the trails. Finally finished the six pack of peaks challenge yesterday… Flatiron. It was a tough one but it was a gorgeous day! We are trying to just get out and enjoy the weather on trails that have few visitors (only saw about 15 people total on our hike yesterday). Playing lots of board games and enjoying our backyard with a few virtual happy hours with friends. 🙂

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