Hike Log

12 Am Assholes


Vivian Creek

Trail Conditions:




We started in the dark at midnight with headlamps. I ended up stumbling a few miles into the hike and fell on my knee. There was a deep laceration but I didn't notice until the sun started coming up. We stopped around 5am to rest and I addressed my swollen bleeding knee. I decided to keep going. About 3 miles from the summit I left my pack in a tree and went on without it. We made it to the top. We did the dang thing. It was hot and there was no shade at the top. We didn't stick around long. Came down to my pack and had some food and water. Then we hustled back down the mountain trying to make use of the daylight. It was exhausting to say the least. Only other time I had to deal with that much labor was when I was actually giving birth. Haha. Fortunately we made it out just as the last bit of daylight was leaving us. Ended up back at the cars around 9pm. For a grand total of 21 hours of hiking with only minimal breaks. We were slow but its not a race after all. I gained so much confidence through this series. I feel like I can do anything.


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  1. Thanks! Much better now thank you for asking. Still can’t put much pressure on it which sucks at the gym but it’s coming along.

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