Hike Log

A night I won’t forget!


Bristlecone Looo


Type of Hike:


Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free


This was a hike I won't soon forget, but I did learn a lot about going out by myself and being better prepared for things not to go as planned.

I make this long night a short story.  First of all, I did not really research the trail as much as a I should have and I underestimated the time it took to complete.  So what happened was I ran out of sun light and even though I had a headlamp, it was not enough light to follow the faint trails  and are not very well marked and with many side trails that lead you off the main trail.  I ended up calling 911 for help and using my InReach for them to know where I was. The assured me that I was close to where I was supposed to be, the only problem was I couldn't see the trail.  so I hunkered down by a large rock and tried my best to keep warm and shivered my night away unto morning.  I had only a light jacket and just enough water to make it thought the night.  Once the the sun came up I was able to find my way out. Many lessons learned and glad that I have the inReach just in case it would have been worse.  I was met at my car the next day by an police officer making sure I made it out. Glad to be okay, but I just want everyone to know about this trail and how it all can go wrong without good planning.

Looking back at my pictures of my summit I had a great day hiking up Bonanza.  Just wish I would have left much earlier.


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  1. That’s a scary story, Margaret. I’m so glad it turned out well, considering. It’s great that you carry in inReach. I also carry one on my longer hikes as “insurance” in case things go wrong.

    For the benefit of others, what time did you start the hike, and how long did it take? With the days getting shorter, darkness and the possibility of an unplanned overnighter increases.

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