Hike Log

Bagging 3 Peaks – Cucamonga, Bighorn & Ontario


Icehouse Saddle

Trail Conditions:




We managed to hit 3 peaks – Cucamonga, Bighorn & Ontario. Would have loved to bag Etiwanda Peak but was on a time constraint.

Took the ridge line from the saddle between Bighorn & Cucamonga up to summit Bighorn Peak. Then from Bighorn we finished off our hike bagging Ontario.

There are still stretches of snow going towards Ontario but we managed without microspikes. Oh, one section of the trail between Kelly's Camp & Icehouse Saddle is a block of hard ice – go around this and don't attempt unless you have microspikes. My friend tried and slipped; luckily his backpack got caught on some roots that prevented him from having a serious fall down the side of the mountain.

Overall, it was a good day for a 16-mile conditioning hike from peak to peak. However, the trek between Bighorn & Ontario was windy and chilly at times, which at times I found to be a nuisance… Aargh!!!


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  1. Hi Ed,

    If you are referring to Icehouse Saddle to Bighorn, there are some patches of snow but manageable without microspikes. However, there is a section of the trail covered with 5′ or longer of hard block of ice. You will either need microspikes or go around like many others. Other than, this the trail is pretty much clear.

    Have a great hike!


  2. oh… sorry Ed. But if you are referring to the saddle between Bighorn & Cucamonga, then the ascent up the ridge from there to Bighorn is somewhat steep on the 1st half but then levels off. Just try to follow the use trail, keep hugging the ridge line and don’t venture too far to the east. There is an open spot where you will see the trail go off to the east – don’t be fooled by this as this is not the trail; just keep going up the ridge, staying left of the trees towards the summit. Thx

  3. Did that yesterday. That short-cut is not on any map, as it really isn’t a trail. Snow on the east flank; it was quite treacherous there. If anyone attempts: stay on the top of the ridge, err on the left (west side) and take it easy. Steep 800 ft but otherwise you’d have to retrace steps to the icehouse saddle.

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