Hike Log

First I Wasson then I Waxoff


King Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

What started as a cool morning quickly heated up as our hearts started pumping and the we were exposed to the sun's glorious rays. The Saguaro in this section of the park are stunning. Taller and more numerous – they are beautiful plants.

Fortunately, there's more to see here than just the saguaro. There are many types of cacti here and they are all in various stages of bloom and hibernation. The role they play to the surrounding ecosystem is evident by the numerous nests we saw along the way.

We didn't any AZ wildlife on this trip.

Wasson Peak is a formidable hike and I was surprised and happy to see that we could also see Picacho Peak from there.


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