Hike Log

So lonnnnngggg Mt. San Bernardino


Angelus Oaks

Trail Conditions:




Had great weather, started at 7:30am and trucked it up to the peak before noon. I'm pretty sure that is because Whiskey Dog was towing me up pretty fast. Hung out at the peak by ourselves for about an hour, an only saw 4-5 other people out on the trails all day. The over 15 total miles definitely had me and Whiskey pretty worn out by the time we got back to the truck. Next time I want to do this as an overnighter, or part of the 9 summits hike I saw.

4 down, 2 to go!


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  1. Your dog is a bad-ass, @lawakesurf!

    I hiked San Bernardino and San Gorgonio together as an overnight backpack trip last year, following the San Bernardino Divide Trail (which is roughly the route of the 9 peak challenge). Didn’t bag the other 7 peaks along the way, though I may have to do that some day. 😉

  2. Thanks, Jeff! I tend to think she is too!! This was her longest hike yet, and she amazed me by how well she handled it…..still had energy to try and chase a squirrel at the end too. I was hoping to do all of the peaks with her, but just noticed dogs are not allowed out at San Jacinto. Might have to sneak her up in my pack. Lol.

    I’m thinkin of going for Gorgonio in a few weeks and making it an overnighter. But if I can have enough time, I may just do the 9 peaks and maybe stay out 2 nights. I’ve been eyeing that route for a while.

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