The Sixth annual

Arizona Winter Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Registration Now Open


Clamber Camelback

What a beautiful day for Clambering up Camelback.  I hit the Echo Canyon Trail head about noon, and thankfully it was a cloudy cool breezy

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Ryan Jones

Hurry up and wait

It’s Camelback so it’s pretty much climbing a  difficult trail with hundreds of strangers. Very beautiful, lots of loud music and people in fashionable attire.

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Jessica Bannan

Chollo Trail

Very confusing trail to follow. Got turned around repeatedly. But beautiful views from the top and sunrise.

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Nathan Norfolk

Camooos Hump!

Weather was incredible! Perfect time of year for hiking, and this day, time, and weather just happened to be ideal. I thought this hike would

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
