Join the 7th annual

Central Oregon Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024


Black Butte

The trail was a winter wonderland in May! A surprise snowfall the night before made this one of my favorite hikes all year! Spikes were

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Black Butte

Drove up to the Black Butte Trailhead in my car. Never been up there in my life. The higher we went, the more snow on

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Short and Sassy

This is a fairly direct, shorter, but challenging hike, with an amazing view worth every step higher.  I did this one today with my daughter

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Pain Butte

I started my hike at 11:30 AM with my dog Jack.  It was a very nice and sunny day.  The temperature could not have been

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
