Join the 4th annual

Las Vegas Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024


Griffith & The Peak

Had to get this hike in before the snow hits – October is fair game for snow on the Mountain! Knocked both Griffith and the

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Forgot we had done this one back in August, so all 7 peaks were hiked! Charleston always has beautiful weather!

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Chris Ericksen

Great hike

Excellent hike.  Some of our group stayed at the saddle while 3 of us hiked up Griffith on the way to Mt. Charleston.

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Benjamin Morgan

Griffith Peak

First four miles up to the junction are a good workout. trail is in great condition. Pretty steep trail to the summit but was manageable.

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Patricia McArthur

Stormy Peak

We did this peak on a day the storm clouds were moving in rapidly.  As it turns out, the timing was perfect to complete the

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
