Join the 10th annual

Southern California Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Hongbo Yan

To the top!

Hiked up to the summit with my wife and 4 kids! We camped at the top. Great views, beautiful weather.

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Never Ending…

Mann, this hike was rough! It wasn’t necessarily as physically taxing as Mount Wilson, but it was definitely very psychologically challenging. It was just such

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San Gorgonio

Started the hike with a group of about 15 people. Start time was 3am and summit was approximately 10:30am. We took a few breaks on

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San Gorgonio

Distance 8.63mi, elevation gain 5,312ft, 3h 41m to the peak and 3h 29m down to the trailhead. Another beautiful day for a hike in Southern

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
