Welcome Back, Wilson & Gorgonio
It's been a while. Last year's wildfires really did a number on you, Wilson and Gorgonio. But we're glad at least for the opportunity to climb you once again, even if only on specific trails.
That's right. Mount Wilson and San Gorgonio have partially reopened, and are eligible peaks for your 2021 SoCal Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge. Bear in mind that the most popular routes on both of these peaks remain closed, and the permitting requirements for the San Gorgonio Wilderness still apply.
Here's an over view of the main routes that are open for each peak.
Mount Wilson via the Mount Wilson Trail
San Gorgonio via the South Fork Trailhead
San Gorgonio via the Fish Creek Trailhead
We also have a detailed trail guide for this route on our partner site SoCalHiker: San Gorgonio via Fish Creek.
The road to Fish Creek Trailhead (and the Aspen Grove Trailhead; it's the same) is gated and locked during the winter, and usually unlocked sometime in the spring. Check with the ranger station before heading out.
San Gorgonio via Vivian Creek
We've hiked this one more times that we care to remember, and have a detailed trail guide: San Gorgonio via Vivian Creek. Note that unlike the other routes listed above, this one lists total (round trip) mileage.
A fourth trailhead that leads to San Gorgonio has also reopened. I've left the Aspen Grove trailhead off this list because it adds even more mileage to the Fish Creek route, but it is an option for those looking to level up the challenge.
Note that the mileage is one way. The summit is your halfway point, so double that number to arrive at the total mileage.
Be sure to #RecreateResponsibly, Leave No Trace, and obey all closure and permitting requirements.
Vivian Creek TH for San Gorgonio reopened today. See San Gorgonio Wilderness Association’s FB page. Their website has not been updated yet.
Yep. We saw that and updated the post with our Vivian Creek info. ????
Apparently the San Bernardino National Forrest hasn’t updated their website yet either. It still shows San G shut down.
Yes, the San Bernardino National Forest website was behind, but they posted this on their Facebook page, and also updated the online permit process to allow selection of these trailheads.
This is great news! Love Mt Wilson and San Gorgonio.