All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 Oregon
Raymond Klein

Black Butte Summit

Clear blue morning! Wasn’t too hot once getting to the top! perfect view of the three sisters

2022 SoCal
Bruce Bennett

Late Post. Mt Baden-Powell. August 26.

July 22. Baden Powell. We hiked Mt Whitney a few weeks prior so this hike felt really easy. Nice views. I like that we could

2022 SoCal

Never a bad day on Baden

July is a warmer month for hiking so had to hit the peak early that Friday. Perfect weather and great company on Baden.

2022 Arizona Summer

Off the beaten path with stunning views

Loved this hike!  Very few people and great place to rest and enjoy the view from the top. Super clean bathrooms too was a bonus!

2022 SoCal
Tammy Olson

Cowabunga Cucamonga

Somehow I got here on a day that no one else wanted to hike. (And yes- trail was open, it was before the weekday closures!)

2022 PNW

6/6 Another Lookout

BUGS!!! Oh my goodness the bugs towards the top and on the top were out with a vengeance. But the hike up was beautiful. At

2022 Arizona Summer

Well marked trail

Rough road to trailhead – lots of loose gravel with washboards – we didn't know if you go fast or slow over them – we

2022 Colorado

Pikes Peak via Crags Campground

The climb from Crags Campground is a beautiful and steep climb up the west side of Pikes Peak and generally less demanding on the body

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
