All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2019 SoCal
Brandi Rubin

Strawberry Peak

7.5 miles with a strong challenge at the end. The peak is after a few false peaks and the views are really outstanding for the

2019 SoCal


Hiked Baden-Powell from Vincent Gap, Friday. Good breeze to keep us cool.

2019 SoCal
Luke Terry

Sunrise on San Bernardino

Another 0330 wakeup and out the door by o350.  Drive was not too bad, but why are so many people up right now?  Anyhow, I

2019 SoCal
David Frech

Mt. Baldy

Trail conditions were amazing.  Weather was perfect.  Occasionally windy, but not too bad for the hike.   Only small patches of snow before the summit up,

2019 SoCal

Always the best

Absolutely love this hike. Gradual incline, great distance, plenty of changing flora to see, and a run in with super star Jeff Hester! I carried

2019 Arizona Summer

Oh man…

This was an awesome hike!  But I do have to admit that it was a killer of a hike.  I am in good shape but

2019 SoCal
Whitney Buckingham

Birthday celebrations!

Excellent hike!  We summited via Devil's Backbone and returned the sameway so we could stop in for lunch at the Top of the Notch on

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
