All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2019 SoCal
Brock Barry

A beautiful day for Strawberry Peak

Started hiking around 9 am, and the parking lot was already pretty full. By the time I got back to the trailhead, it was a

2019 NorCal

Hike in winter wonderland

Beautiful hike this morning. It felt like we were hiking in wonderland. Beautiful trails with snow and snow flakes falling. Multiple waterfalls along the trails

2019 Colorado
Sandra Robles

Bergen Peak

Microspikes pretty much mandatory.

2019 NorCal

Mt Tamalpais and Cataract Falls

Finally kicked off the Six Peak Northern California Challenge with Mt Tamalpais. Magnificent misty miles through lush green forest and gushing falls- 15 miles of

2019 NorCal
Gilbert Bumagat Jr

Peaked the Devil Mountain

As the title says, we peaked the devil mountain. Group of 4, training for Mount Whitney. I had 25 lbs backpacking backpack. This is peak

Arizona Six-Pack

Picacho a Precipe for Highwire Antics

Alee and I bagged our first peak of the challenge, Picacho Peak about 1.5 hours outside of Phoenix off the I-10.This peak is straight up

Arizona Six-Pack
Alyssa Moscardino


Weather was beautiful! People on the trail were helpful and very nice. Longest part of the hike was waiting for people to pass through cable

2019 SoCal
Jacqueline Natividad

Wilson Wonderland

Clbeautiful and sunny day.  Majority of the hike was under the canopy of trees. So many river crossings it was difficult/impossible to keep our Sox

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
