All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California
Xochitl Cervantes

Who needs Waterfall Wednesday

This was one of my favorites! We had so much fun. We had the whole mountain to ourselves. We struggled through the snow in areas

Southern California

Slip n slide

Temps weren’t to bad. Slippery at the top mixed with powder. We slid down a good portion of the top which was to much fun.

Southern California

Mt. Wilson

Great weather; brutal hike!

Southern California
Leon Perales

Solo hike to San Antonio

Fun solo hike up Register Ridge. Ran into a little snow close to enjoy summit first stop was Harwood then on to San Antonio

Southern California


A little snow/ice on the trail, but beautiful clear day

Southern California

#2 Cactus to Clouds… cuz why not?

LONG! Haha but we started from the desert floor and ended up in a winter wonderland! It was beautiful!!!

Southern California
Denis Grigorov

Santiago Peak” (aka “Saddleback Mountain”)

Conquered “Santiago Peak” (aka “Saddleback Mountain”) with kitty and friends on 1/15/18. Santiago Peak is the highest point in the Orange County at 5,690 ft.

Southern California
Yolanda Nowicki

Summit Bliss!

Great weather! Great snow conditions! Great Hike! I wore micro spikes and that's all that was needed that day, but brought my crampons/ice axe just

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
