All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Mt. Wilson

Great weather; brutal hike!

Southern California
Leon Perales

Solo hike to San Antonio

Fun solo hike up Register Ridge. Ran into a little snow close to enjoy summit first stop was Harwood then on to San Antonio

Southern California


A little snow/ice on the trail, but beautiful clear day

Southern California

#2 Cactus to Clouds… cuz why not?

LONG! Haha but we started from the desert floor and ended up in a winter wonderland! It was beautiful!!!

Southern California
Denis Grigorov

Santiago Peak” (aka “Saddleback Mountain”)

Conquered “Santiago Peak” (aka “Saddleback Mountain”) with kitty and friends on 1/15/18. Santiago Peak is the highest point in the Orange County at 5,690 ft.

Southern California
Yolanda Nowicki

Summit Bliss!

Great weather! Great snow conditions! Great Hike! I wore micro spikes and that's all that was needed that day, but brought my crampons/ice axe just

Southern California
Rolando Guzman

Mount Baldy

First snow hike of the year was amazing. Snow on the trail at the backbone. Micro spikes made this hike a lot easier.

Southern California

I should've trained for this.

Conditions were ideal for this first summit of the six pack challenge. Arrived at the trail head at 6:45a- plenty of parking spots available. We

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