All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

San Bernardino Peak

This is definitely one of my favorites, will be going back again, definitely offers amazing views

Southern California

Bright and Early

We started at 535 am and it wasn't too bad of a hike until maybe the last 2 miles towards the peak. For some reason

Southern California

San Jacinto, Sans-Carbs

Don’t be dumb like me, make sure you consume plenty of carbohydrates before and during your hike to the top of San Jacinto Peak! Hey,

Southern California


Beautiful day, started early but there were already a lot of hikers out enjoying memorial day weekend.

Southern California

A Cloudy Day on Mount Wilson

I completed my first six pack of peaks hike to Mount Wilson on Saturday May 26th. Arriving around 6:20AM to a full parking lot I

Southern California

Number 5

I had a hard time with this hike. I had a sore throat and clogged ears, but my hiking partners were extremely patient and helped

Southern California
Michael Finney

Ontario Peak in the Mist

The hike was cool with a heavy marine layer. Felt really strong until my knee started talking to me, so I had to dramatically slow

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