All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California


The hike was beautiful but we were not prepared. There's still tons of snow up there and lots of ice on the trail itself. We

Southern California
Shawn Carman

Snow Trek

As always, hiking in the San Gorgonio Wilderness is amazing. This is by far my favorite peak in the 6 pack. So much of it

Southern California
Kenny Vilaiphanh

Mt. Wilson

Perfect mid 50s weather hike up to the Observatory in the morning, but it got up to 80 degrees in the afternoon. However, plenty of

Southern California
Katherine Vilaiphanh


Really good weather that day. It was too bad the cafe wasn’t open while I was up there haha.

Southern California
Diana D

?2☁ no sleep madness

We started at 12:15 with no sleep and that just added another layer of crazy. 16 miles that had cactus ridges and snow all in

Southern California
Denis Grigorov

Mt. Baldy

Good training hike. Snow is almost gone from the trail. From 8K to 10K there are small snow patches but can be easily walked around.

Southern California
Yvette Arellano

1 down 5 to go

We wanted to start hiking at 6am but got lost finding the Trailhead. We used AllTrails app & picked Mt. Wilson loop via Chantry Flat

Southern California
Kaija Vargas

Hike in Style #1: My Baden-Powell

1st time to hike in snow..first time to see snow EVER! I was supposed to join 3H hiking group but I woke up late. I

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
