All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

San Jacinto peak’s Hike for cancer

It was a beautiful snow hike. The weather was 5 degrees Celsius so the snow was slushy and a tad slippery. You will need waterproof

Southern California

The monster at night

The hike was incredible and very beautiful, it was my first big hike, and it was tuff and exhilarating at the same time. Me and

Southern California
David V

Cactus-to-Clouds – The BEST Way UP!!!

After 3 attempts, I finally conquered Cactus-to-Clouds. The 1st two attempts, I just completed Skyline Trail. The 1st half of C2C is Skyline Trail, which

Southern California

Microspikes and Trekking Poles Oh My

The weather was perfect. We started at 7:00 with a temp of 55 and by the time we reached the summit it was mid to

Southern California

Solo Hike to Mt Wilson

Great solo hike to Mt Wilson/Jones Peak Yesterday. I went up via Sierra Madre (Mt Wilson Trail) and back down through the Jones Peak/Baileys Canyon

Southern California

Cucamonga Peak

It was awesome! My first time hiking in the snow which never in my life I thought I would do cuz I was too nervous

Southern California

Cucamonga Crazy!!!

Weather was cool and clear. Perfect day to do this hike. Started around 8am. Trail was great, not to many people. Some icy areas so

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