All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California
Sandy Yard

Mt Wilson


Southern California

Here I go !!

Beautiful Mountain!

Southern California

Mt. Wilson

I mean… it was Mt. Wilson.

Southern California

Hike up to Mt. Baden-Powell

It was really windy the day I drove to Mt. Baden-Powell. I wanted to hike through snow and most of the snow on other nearby

Southern California

Mount Wilson is strangely civilized.

Went up Chantry flats up to the top. The switchbacks were definitely my low point but you suddenly pop up at the top. We spent

Southern California

Foggy hike

Was a perfect hike, cool weather with some great clouds. Was foggy at the peak but beautiful!

Southern California

San Jacinto Peak perfect weather

It was the perfect day to hike. The snow level was decent and we were able to get up with microspikes. The views were phenomenal.

Southern California
Sandy Yard

One Down….

Not much to say on this hike. First peak and see where everybody's at. Looking forward to the next one.

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
