All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Northern California

Ants, flies, bees and a breeze

Hike began with swarm of bees around my car upon getting out followed by me making extra walk up to the trailhead to avoid further

Lake Tahoe

Hard++ Mt. Rose via Southeast Ridge Trail

Trail was really challenging after  you reached the aspen groves. Hard to follow the trail all the way up the east face.  Only saw two

Bay Area

Mount Umunhum

This is the first peak (I hiked one of the alternative the Mission Peak but not part of my challenge) of the Bay Area challenge



It was nice to get the steepest Utah hike checked off the list! We got to the trailhead around 7:45 AM and we had to


Killyon Canyon to Lookout Peak

The hike to Lookout Peak was nice. A gradual incline for most of the four miles to the top. Once at the top the views

Southern California

Sitton webs

No fun being first on the trail today but somebody has to clear the spider webs. 🤔 The trail is overgrown and bugs were buzzzzzing

Arizona Summer

Kendrick Peak

This hike is a gradual climb to the top, no real difficult portions throughout. Very scenic all the way up and down. Beautiful hike and

Central Coast

The Gaviota Experience

Beautiful weather for this hike/run! We did a counterclockwise loop to get better ocean views, however the trail was very overgrown starting around 1.25 miles

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
