All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Bay Area

The Neverending Incline

Started out at 7am. Vertical climb was tough and the heat about 9am added to the toughness. But we did it nonetheless. Around mile 5.25

Pacific Northwest

Mt. Ellinor Sunrise Hike

Early morning sunrise hike to Mt. Ellinor, trail is in good condition, only downside is that the bugs swarm and get aggressive on the path.

San Diego

Beat the heat

Fair amount of bugs. First two miles are steep. Go early to beat the heat.

Arizona Summer
Jan Howard

Beautiful Kendrick

Cool and damp conditions quickly gave way to blue skies, cool breezes, and views for days!  A fun morning spent on the mountain with my

New Mexico
Tammy Trollinger

Best friend hike

A cool day starting in the morning. Nice cloud cover. Rain came on the descent but not bad.

Southern California

Cucamonga Peak

Pretty straight forward. Get an early start to beat the heat and trail run your way down.

Central Oregon

Black Crater—4 Down, 2 to Go!

It had been smoky most of the week, but this morning the air quality was excellent and the visibility pretty decent. Hiked up with Jim,

Northern California

Lassen peak

Trail conditions were good. Some loose rocks near the top. Lots of people on the hike. We left early enough to avoid most of the

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
