All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

San Gorgonio Peak Hike

Nice sunny day with great conditions.  It was cool and shaded climbing up in the morning most of the way, starting at 6:00am.  Hot and

Central Oregon

Solitary hike of Mount Bailey

One person encountered the entire hike! This was the most solitary hike I’ve done of the Challenge. And the sixth – challenge completed! 5 hours

Central Oregon

Sixth hike, Mount Bailey – a beautiful day

Tough hike! The first 3.5 miles is just hiking through the forest. The last mile, though… some scrambles with some steep drop-offs. I was going

Southern California

Solitary San Jacinto Summit

On Monday, my hiking buddy and I hiked up Marion Mtn Trail to San Jacinto Peak.  We did not see another person on the trail

Southern California

Literally 3 people on the entire trail…

4 down, 2 to go. It seemed like the drive getting there was almost as remote as the hike…very rough dirt road to get to

Southern California

Hike #6

Hike #6: Mt. Baldy Danced with the devil along the Devil’s Backbone trail on my hike to the highest peak in Los Angeles: Mt. Baldy.

San Diego

Amazing views

Great morning hike with flying bugs in the first 2 miles but other than that great hike with amazing views at the top.

Southern California

Knee tester

We hiked on a Sunday morning with light showers forecasted. Started at 7:30 AM from the Mt. Wilson trailhead and packed snacks and 2.5 L

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