All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Mt. Baldy!

Went the counterclockwise way up the loop. Devil’s backbone seemed never ending but the summit was worth it! Coming down towards the ski hut was

Southern California

Getting Sunburnt on Baldy

Second time on Baldy, brought my dad up for his first summit. Very slow going for me, but still fun. Wasn’t too hot, despite the

San Diego

Early Morning on the Fry-Koegel Trail

A very early morning start to beat the heat. Took the Fry-Koegel trail up and the service road down. Longest and hardest hike since my

Central Oregon
Mariah Cannon

Two Peaks, One Day Pt. 2

Got to the trail at about 10am after hiking Black Crater and started our ascent across the lava rock. It was definitely hot, we needed

Central Oregon
Mariah Cannon

Two Peaks, One Day Pt. 1

Gorgeous morning summit of Black Crater. Definitely tons of blow down, but I didn’t find it terrible or unbearable. Had the summit to ourselves and

Southern California
Ernie Estrada

San Jacinto Peak

Weather was very warm but not as bad as the bottom. Trail was in good condition

Central Oregon

Two-fer Belknap Crater

Today was a hot one at Belknap Crater. The lava rock really intensified that.  Still a very beautiful trail.  This was our second peak of

Central Oregon

Two-fer Black Crater

We started early at about 6:30. There were bugs in the way up but we didn't get any mosquito bites.  There are still quite a

Bay Area


Beautiful hike on a very well designed and groomed trail.  Great views in all direction.  A lot of shaded stretches on the trail.

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
