All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Bay Area

Mountain Wanderer

6/6 hike! Finished off with this hard but rewarding hike. The views were not breathtaking but nice. The weather was nice and there was a

Southern California

Sitton Peak Hike

Overall, it was beautiful and a tad warm to hike today. The trail has shade on and off, and the breeze kept it nice. Lots

Bay Area

Mission Peak

There were a lot of people, but it was a nice cool day to hike. This trailhead has some shade along the way. Great hike.

Southern California
Gulnur Jailaubek

Ontario Peak

Beautiful weather for a beautiful trail. Loved Ontario Peak❤️

Southern California

Beautiful Baldy

Definitely go clockwise. It would be brutal, but going down will be good. Lot of people on the trail. Everyone was courteous and nice. Weather

Southern California

Cucamonga…nice to see you again.

it had been several years since I had done Cucamonga. I forgot that it’s the harder big brother of Ontario. My feet definitely got more

Southern California

Onward to Ontario

I started at early 5:00 and there were a handful of cars in the parking lot. It was my first time starting before sunrise. It

Arizona Summer

Bill Williams Mtn.

I’m grateful for the Six Pack of Peaks Challenge, both for the opportunity to explore new peaks, but also to revisit previous ones. It’s been

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
