Check out what other challengers are doing! This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.
Ontario Peak
Beautiful weather for a beautiful trail. Loved Ontario Peak❤️
Beautiful Baldy
Definitely go clockwise. It would be brutal, but going down will be good. Lot of people on the trail. Everyone was courteous and nice. Weather
6/6 Sox Peaks in Sox weeks completed
It was hot and no shade . Challenging hike but rewarding view.
Cucamonga…nice to see you again.
it had been several years since I had done Cucamonga. I forgot that it’s the harder big brother of Ontario. My feet definitely got more
Onward to Ontario
I started at early 5:00 and there were a handful of cars in the parking lot. It was my first time starting before sunrise. It
Bill Williams Mtn.
I’m grateful for the Six Pack of Peaks Challenge, both for the opportunity to explore new peaks, but also to revisit previous ones. It’s been
Strawberry peak inception
Beautiful trail, lots of exposure, some bugs, really overgrown bushes that can scratch, fun scrambling at the top!
Ending with Cuyamaca Peak #6
Finished up the SD 6 pack of peak challenge hiking Cuyamaca. Took a chance on a warm July summer day but it was not too
9 weeks post foot surgery
Just over a year since my plantar fasciitis was triggered on this hike, and 9 weeks since the surgery to resolve it, I climbed back