All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California
Char Krause

The hard way!

So I have a thing about not hiking anywhere  that your wheels can take you. Why would I do that! However my best hiking friend


Kyhv Peak (Alternate Schmalternate)

A “buffet of trails” allowing you to digest multiple trail experiences all in one day. Nice simple wide trail beginning, reasonable elevation gain over a

Arizona Summer

Kendrick Peaking

Weather was perfect! 3 of us hiked, left at 730 am

Southern California
Nathan Seidman

Busy Beautiful Day at Cucamonga Peak

Plenty of other hikers also had the great idea to head to Cucamonga Peak this morning. It was a great day for hiking. Just two

Southern California

Saw and Steady

The weather was perfect – hovered around the low 60s for the entire duration of the hike (10:20 – 14:00) with crystal clear skies.

Southern California

Mt. Baden Powell

Trail conditions were perfect!  There were a couple patches of snow towards the top but no micro spikes or poles were needed.  Weather started out

Southern California
Stephan Romar

First of the six peaks

Started at 5:45 back at 1.  Very cool day except headed down when it got real hot.  Very crowded today.  There was a birthday hike

Southern California

#1 Strawberry Peak!!

Beautiful day!  Perfect weather with slight breeze. Few bugs. Group of 20. Felt great to start my Peaks challenge!

Southern California

Ontario FTW

Got to the parking lot at 5 am and saw there were a handful of spots left. Once on trail we realized everyone was heading

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
