All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Pacific Northwest
Cankiz TOK

Snowy Mount Si

I hiked Mt Si a few times before but never during the winter. From now on, it will be on my winter hikes list as

New England

Knee-deep Snow and Slippery Adventure!

Great hike with my sister who is also a part of the challenge. The first three or so miles were pretty easy, some snow, but

Arizona Winter

Quartz the calf killer

While we did see 1 sedan at the trailhead, a vehicle with higher clearance is very much recommended.  The dirt/sand road had some pretty big

Bay Area
Eve Cunningham

The mystery of the blue volkswagen

The conditions were great! It was very cold, but that's what you'd expect when hiking in the woods. The hike was super easy. It felt

Arizona Winter
Jeramie Laughlin

Wasson Peak hike

Great hike with awesome views all around. Good thing this time the wind was calm.

Bay Area
Michael Winstandley

Six Peaks Loop

This was my first time completing the Six Peaks Loop at Mount Diablo. It was a good day for it — cool (one might even

Bay Area

Mt. Diablo with the South Bay Hiking meetup

On March 26th the South Bay Hiking meetup group completed Mt. Diablo starting from the Emmons Canyon Trail. The total distance was 13.1 miles, with

Bay Area
Poornima Madapurmath

Mt. Diablo

Couldn't have picked a better day for this 14 miles hike from Mitchell Canyon visitor center to the summit and back. Streams flowing full, fallen

Bay Area

Mt. Diablo

Couldn't have picked a better day for this 14 miles hike from Mitchell Canyon visitor center to the summit and back. Streams flowing full, fallen

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
