All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Arizona Winter

No more steps!!

Started at 7 and it was very busy! Beautiful sunny day. Did not take but a couple hours to complete.

Arizona Winter
Kelly Myrdal


Got to meet and hike a bit with Flatiron Jim!

Bay Area
Deepa Prashant

Mt. Tam – bushwhacking experience!

Finding the trailhead was a bit of an adventure as Google maps took each of our three individual cars to a private residence up into

Bay Area
Daniel Moffat

Birthday Moon Walk

Nothing like a hike for your birthday! Started in a local neighbourhood and the elevation climb starts immediately.  The first mile, mile and a half

Southern California
Rodney Andres

Success on Mt. Wilson 2nd Try

Our second attempt at Mt. Wilson went much better. The first time, snow was at least 2 feet thick close to the summit, visibility was

Bay Area
Shen Hsu

Afternoon Hike at Mount Umunhum

Finally, we got a sunny weekend! So I decide to do the hike at Mount Umunhum which is the closest one to my location. Many

Bay Area
Kim Celestre

To The Moon

Gorgeous 360 views at the summit with a cluster of “moon rocks” to set down your gear as you take in ocean and Mountain View’s.

Bay Area

Mount Umunhum

Trail was peaceful. Nice bird and rabbit watching

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
