Join the 7th annual

Colorado Rockies Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Rocky Mountain
Sarah Aaron

Rocky Mountain Peak

Started this hike by climbing the Manitou Incline, there is a shuttle that runs from Hiawatha Gardens parking lot to the incline which makes everything

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Bergen Peak

Bergen Peak

Pretty, well marked trail. Started at 7:30am and finished around 1 with photo and snack stops along the way.

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Bergen Peak
Elizabeth Koslosky

Bergen Peak

The hike was a nice steady incline. The trail was nicely kept. Also go all the way up to the peak. There is a the

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Rocky Mountain

Rocky Mountain Peak

Trail was in great condition, pretty crowded below the incline.  Gorgeous weather, not a cloud in the sky.

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Rocky Mountain
Laura Basti

Rocky Mountain Peak

Great conditions on the trail and beautiful blue sky.  Lots of people below the incline but above the incline we only saw a couple people.

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Bergen Peak

Bergen Peak

The first 4 miles of the hike are mostly clear with a few areas of packed snow.  From mile 4 to 4.5 there is considerable

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
