Join the 7th annual

Colorado Rockies Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Grays Peak


This was the last of our 6-pack hikes and it was super fierce, with gusting winds at the summit and cold temperature drops, causing many

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Grays Peak
Lisa Holt

2019 Hike-a-versary

The last one! The highest one! The busiest one! The coldest one! So many people turned back due to lack of appropriate layers. The hot

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Mount Sherman
Lisa Holt

2019 Hike-a-versary

Sherman was a lot busier than Horseshoe, but that's to be expected with a 14er. Still surprised by how many people didn't know it was

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Bergen Peak
Bryan Brown

Hiking in the rain

Was a good hike. The trail is wide, easy to walk and well marked. The only exception is right at the end it looked like

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Horseshoe Mountain
Rachael Slotman

A new obsession

I loved this hike! This trail has started a new 13er obsession. It had spectacular views without the crowds. I passed one other person on

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
