Join the 7th annual

Colorado Rockies Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Bergen Peak
Lisa Holt

2019 Hike-a-versary

Day one of my annual hike started with a 5am flight out of Boston, landing in CO, almost getting kicked off the commuter rail for

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Bergen Peak


This was the perfect first hike and introduction to some elevation.  My adventure buddy and I flew out for a weeklong adventure and Bergen was

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Mount Sherman

Mount Sherman

This was one of the easiest 14'ers I have climbed. There were even some trail runners that utilize this trail too. There was a snow

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Mount Sherman

Mount Sherman

We were the first to the trailhead, however, not the first to start hiking. We were up in no time at all, not necessarily easy

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Horseshoe Mountain
Alana Gregory

Horse shoe

Not sure we started at the right trailhead, we ended up going along the side of neighboring mountain where then we were able to see

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Mount Yale
Shane Qualls

Mt Yale

1st time scrambled to summit. Definitely not for people who are afraid of heights. Look at so many peaks behind me! Lifes good!

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
