Join the 4th annual

San Diego Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge Begins January 1, 2024

Mount Woodson

Tasty Potato Chip

This is my last peak to complete the 2021 San Diego 6POP. I wanted to avoid any crowds so I went on a Thursday. I

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Mount Woodson

First Solo Hike

My first solo hike ever! Loved this trail. I went during the week and there was a steady stream of people on the trail but

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Mount Woodson
Alissa Johnston

On top of the Clouds

Frye koegel leads you through a trail of oak trees. Then you climb until you get to more open views and finally reach the infamous

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Mount Woodson

Woodson from Fry-Koegel

Great hike! Woodson via Fry-Koegel is my favorite way to summit. It provides beauty as well as is easier than the other two ways with

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
