All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Rocky the frog

So the weather conditions were good. Just a normal sunny and minor windy day. There were a lot of mosquitoes and surprisingly a lot of

Arizona Summer

The stair climber

Trail was dry very steep with high steps, slick rock, with some scrambling.  The trail has a southern exposure with very little shade.  I thought

Bay Area
Gretchen Sustachek

Travel up Black Mountain

This hike was a good climb but the views at the top were worth it! On the hike up we saw so many butterflies and

Bay Area

Hidden Villa to Black Mountain

Beautiful day. Sunny and 70s. Trail was in great condition. This was a tough climb near the top, but we did it! Hidden Villa is

Bay Area

Colorful Black Mountain

Perfect day!  Temps were 60's-70's, bluest of skies, green hills and wildflowers.  At top vast views of the hills and the ocean.

Southern California

Sitton peak #3 (9 more to go)

Beautiful weather and beautiful views. Did it at 8:30 am was an easy up and down. Last 3-4 mile was a little steep and slippery

Southern California
Katrina Harbers

Peak #3–Sitton!

Perfect weather!  Wildflowers were abundant. Trail in decent condition except for that last .4 mile which remains as treacherous as always.  Bugs not yet an

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
