All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

The Peak of Strawberry

Popular well traded trail, weather optimal for the hike this time of the year. A lot of reptiles but a wonder hike with the view

Bay Area

Hike to Mount Umunhum with family

This was a very good hike with my family (my 5 year old daughter did it too) on beautiful Sunday morning. Weather was nice and

Arizona Winter
Andrea Siegrist-Baez

Flatiron is Fun!

Flatiron is always a fun hike!  And every time I hike it, I get more comfortable hiking it solo and it seems to get just

Pacific Northwest

Windy, rainy, snowy Storm King

Hiked this along with Marymere Falls, cause we were already there, so why not? It was cold with on and of rain, but also on

San Diego

Cool day at Hot Springs

A gorgeous day on the mountain a mix of sun and clouds with enough of a cool breeze to keep it comfortable Met less than

Arizona Winter

Piestewa peak

Great hike with weather in the mid 60s. Rough but doable tail.

Arizona Winter
Eva Covarrubias

Piestewa Sunrise

Clear morning. Witnessed the sunrise. Popular trail even that early. Lots of steps and must watch your step.

Bay Area

A relaxing hike to the Black Mountain

I decided to go with the easier trial from Monte Bello since the parking lot at the Rhus Ridge trailhead was already full at 7:20am. 

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
