All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

San Diego
Jennifer Cummings

High Point

Got an early start. Beat most the bugs, just a few in the last mile or so. Did get warm, very little shade once the

Bay Area

Awesome Hike at Mt. Umunhum

Started at Bald Mountain Parking lot. Parking was limited but I was lucky someone was just leaving. Day was overcasted, light drizzle and for a

San Diego

High Point

First 2 miles, we'll the 2nd mile seemed to be the hardest part. Bugs wernt a problem for my. Bring sun screen, hat, etc. Not

Arizona Summer

Wilson Mountain

First hike for us for the six pack of peaks challenge. I had a hard time keeping up with my 14 year old, Ian.

Southern California

Officially logged my first hike!

I got to the parking lot right around seven and was able to get one of the last official parking spots. When I left, I

Southern California

Mt. Wilson 1st Peak

Read the trail had snow and to bring micro spikes but only snow came the last half mile or so, and was off the trail

San Diego
Jay Grant

Hot Springs Mtn

Perfect day for a hike–yet didn't see too many people on the trail. The cool, rather cold, breeze up the first 2 miles kept the

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