All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Bay Area
Mey Saephan

That time we ran up the stairs.

We arrived at the parking lot at 830AM and started hiking. The temperature was just right. The kids enjoyed the shade and picking up rocks.

New England

Wet n Wild

It was a wet n wild hike on Welch & Dickey. Rain turned into sleet & snow at the summits. It was a beautiful day.

Central Coast

March of the SLO Students

I drove up from the Los Angeles area to get away for a few days and tackle the two northernmost hikes in this new challenge.

Southern California

Strawberry Peak

Pulled into the parking lot at 7:45 and grabbed one of the last few spots. By 8am parking lot was full with cars pulling in

San Diego
Laura Shands

Yay Volcan Mountain done

We did the Five Oats side trail. This is one of the most beautiful hikes in SD County. Beautiful wildflowers, not a lot but some.

Southern California

Mt. Wilson…summer heat in spring time!

4/29/2023. Started off on a cooler side but as soon as we were above the clouds, the heat quickly intensified. Lots of people on the

Southern California
Stefan Ivanovici

Melted strawberry

This was my second time doing the hike – the conditions were great, there were a ton of flowers and a lot more green compared

San Diego

Rocky foot paths

This is my second time doing this trail. I find it very challenging and is def not for beginners. The downhill is too slippery, need

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