All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California
Diego Realpe

Cucamonga Peak

Hike was hard, lots of snow, the trail was not easy to identify. But it felt save though.

Central Coast

Busy bishop peak

The trail is rocky, there is no shade but we were lucky as it was mostly overcast until the tail end of the hike. Everything

San Diego
Douglas Vences

Hot Springs

beautiful views of nature It was like walking in to the woods. Did a fun rock climb to find the geo plate 🙂

San Diego

Hot springs is hot! 🔥

Well we started at 6 am and we still got caught in the heat.. but she sure is a pretty hike..  we had the top

Southern California

Strawberry Peak

Fun hike! Pretty easy most of the way until the last mile or so to the peak which requires some climbing over rocks. Great views

Southern California

Strawberry Peak

Fun hike! The sign at the top was missing but other than that the trail was in good shape and was a good challenge. Would

Southern California

Strawberry Peak

Hike went well.  Glad we started early because it is uncovered and could sense the mid afternoon sun would have been a challenge.  We missed

Bay Area
archana nukalapati

Double Peak @ mission

Started hike around 7:30am from Stanford staging area. Reached peak at 9:30am. Lot of people and beautiful views from the top. Started decline, went to

Central Oregon
Miranda Melton

Sunny Summit

Hike was good but very sun exposed! Glad we got there early and did it as the first one. Trail was good, there is no

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
