All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

San Diego
Jay Grant

Hike #2 Corte Madera

Got warm pretty quick. Can’t imagine in the summer

Las Vegas

Gila Monster

Gila Monster tried attacking my ankle.

San Diego
Jennifer Cummings

Corte Madera makes 6

Trail overall in good condition. Some muddy spots and overgrowth in some areas. Recommend pants and long sleeves. Bugs are out and I did end

Las Vegas
Tommy Smith

Slow and Steady Wins Turtlehead Peak

At times my hubris gets the best of me and the universe finds a way to humble me. My friend and I decided to complete

Arizona Winter

Wasson peak

No shade throughout but beautiful desert trail

Arizona Winter

My Final Peak! Wonderful Wasson!

It was such an amazing end to the six peaks challenge with friends from my run club! Wasson Peak was not a difficult trail, but

Central Coast

It Was Fun.

This hike was super long. It was fun because we got to camp on the top of the mountain. I really liked lunch on the

Southern California
Bree Wilde

Strawberries on Strawberry

This one was lovely, and lots of butterflies at the top. In fact, so many that they were peeing on me – I learned later

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
