Join the 7th annual

Colorado Rockies Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Grays Peak

A Snowy Grays

Final Peak for the Colorado 6 pack of peaks challenge!! My best friend and I decided to drive 10hrs after work on Friday, sleep at

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Rocky Mountain

Rocky Mountain

First solo hike of the challenge. Fall foliage did not disappoint! Had a little bit of a hard time finding the smaller path from the

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Mount Elbert
Erin Rigsby

Fall Colors

Beautiful day for a hike! Loved all the colors and great company. A small dusting of snow at the top, but better then the 3-5

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Grays Peak

Hiker's High

This trip was AWESOME! My friend Jill and I needed to complete Grey's in order to complete all 6 peaks. We had attempted this hike

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
