Join the 7th annual

Colorado Rockies Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Horseshoe Mountain


When you summit – don't stop!  Keep exploring past the actual summit and check out that old cabin up there!  We stumbled upon it by

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Mount Yale
Lisa Holt

2019 Hike-a-versary

Our first 14er and a long hike. We were up before sunrise to be sure to be off of the summit before any storms rolled

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Rocky Mountain
Lisa Holt

2019 Hike-a-versary

Day 2 and getting acclimated! The incline was tough but fun to interact with so many people. Though I was surprised at how many of

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Mount Yale

Yale Class of 2019

Graduated Mt. Yale University yesterday!  I had planned to hike Mt. Sherman this week but changed plans at the last minute when my wife said

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Mount Yale
Joshua Winters

Mt. Yale Adventure

Epic day hiking Mt. Yale! I camped in my truck at the trailhead so I could get an early start as rain was in the

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
